It Is Just Hair

I had been looking at short hair pictures on Pinterest for months and thinking that when we go to California I will get it done. Then last weekend we went to a favorite bar of ours and the waitress that we always comment on how cute she is and has great style had the haircut I really wanted.

I was like but that is what I wanted to do and of course sounded really lame and jealous but she took my haircut.

Then on Tuesday Mr. H woke me up by telling me there was frost on the ground which meant that I would have to blow dry my hair before going out which I loathe doing.

So I figured it is not like I know this waitress personally, I can do what I want, and it is just hair so I cut it.


I brushed it back into a ponytail securing it about the length I wanted and cut away.


Since there was a few remaining layers from my haircut in June 2013 I just needed to trim it up a bit after blow drying it and am really happy with it.

Now it is in no means perfect which is slightly annoying Mr. H but he will just need to deal with it!

Change just feels so good sometimes and a change involving not dragging around a head of spilt ends is one of the best.

Speaking of changes some will be coming soon to this blog that are very exciting!

Thumbs Up for Friday

thumbs up friday

Mr. H was meant to be working today but was lucky to get it off!!! So we slept in and had a long breakfast which I just loved. I am not a huge morning person but it is really nice to have someone to talk with at breakfast and plan out dream craft rooms and at home cinemas.

The rest of the weekend will be featuring hot dogs covered in sauerkraut and cheese, an imported bottle of Stone Brewing beer, and just maybe a trip into town. Ok we will probably break and head into town and visit our favorite pub.

Hopefully you find something worthy a big thumbs up this weekend!

A Very Small woo Friday

the sick corner

Well we made it to Friday folks. I am happy because Mr. H has Saturday and Sunday off but today he is working a 12 hour shift so it is mellow lands around here.

Also last night our very rude neighbors sat on their patio being loud and drunk from 2:30-4 am so not what a sick person and one that has to work 12 hrs wants. We finally put on some music and fell asleep but this morning we emailed our property management company and found out they have a 24 hr number we can call in the future and that they are going to be contacting him via phone and mail.

I am also going to try to move away from my sick corner a bit. I have been snuggled in there for most of Wednesday and Thursday so today I am being wild and sitting at the desk in the kitchen and just might sort some laundry and do a few dishes.

Ok that will be the extent of my rebelliousness today as I really really want to go to town for coffee and a hamburger tomorrow.

Hmmm that was one run on thought so yeah happy Friday and be holly and jolly and all that ok!

A Bit of Sunshine


A large part of me wants to wallow in being sick but the other part says get over yourself it is just a little asthma attack. To combat the wallowing side I decided to do a list that of things that bring me a bit of sunshine.

1. Netflix – As a kid I was happy with my VHS copies of Wizard of Oz and Parent Trap (the original, only ever the original) when I was sick but now I love all the options available to me on Netflix. So far today I have watched The Iron Lady and Frasier reruns, not sure what will come next but it will be exciting.

2. iPad games – While sitting on the couch iPad games make the time go so much faster.

3. Regular Coke – Normally I do not drink it but when I am sick the combination of sugar, caffeine, and carbonation really perk me up and Mr. H bought me a giant bottle last night.

4. No dish doing – I am meant to stay on the couch so I am out of all house duties, most importantly dishes!

5. Tights as pants – That pretty much explains it all.

6. Snack time – According to less than a year away from being a nurse Mr. H says when you are sick snacks are key. I am not one to complain about that.

What brings you a smile when you are sick?

Wishing, Hoping, and Planning – The Summer Follow Up

weekly wishes june 2014

In June I created this list of things I was wishing, planning, and hoping to get done. I wanted to do a follow up and see how I did and hopefully get an idea of what I should plan for fall/winter.

1. Wash makeup brushes  7/7

2. Wash cloth ipad cover  6/25

3. Paint my nails once a week – I did pretty good with this as it was a great way to spend some time when I was home alone at night.

4. Read at least one book a week – Since posting the original post I have read 26 books so I did double my goal!

5. Mail my brother a list of songs I think he will love – No but sitting in the kitchen is a padded mailer with a CD we made him ready to be mailed!

6. Mail my other brother a list of books I think he will love – No but we have been emailing eachother which in a way accomplishes this as I just wanted to create some sort of contact as he gets older.

7. Workout 5 times a week – Hmmmmm not so much, I have worked out though but with my hip bothering me it has been more sporadic than I would like.

8. Blog at least 4 times a week – Not exactly but I kept up the blog over summer much more than I have in the past.

9. Embroider July and August’s patterns – Yes and as of today I am 99% done with Septembers!

10. Try out one new recipe a week – This started out strong but when the heat wave came I could care less about cooking and went into easy basic mode!

11. Learn a new card game – No again but Mr. H and I did have a 7 day canasta challenge which was really fun.

12. Record at least two vlogs – Yes!!! My grandparents really liked them so now I am trying to come up with some new topics to do.

13. Lastly follow myself and do what makes me happy and one day if it means watch tons of TV do it! – O yeah I did this! Overall I had a really great summer and am now really looking forward to fall and Mr. H starting his last year of nursing school.

The Nectar Collective

After Work Friday!

after work friday

In Sweden instead of Happy Hour they have After Work which is I think such a great term especially when we get to go! This weekend Mr. H has both Saturday and Sunday off so we are kicking it off with a bit of After Working and then pizza! First though I am going to the library and returning the massive pile of books that has been building up all summer and getting some new ones of course!

I am also really excited because it is nice and breezy and cool out so I can wear my new sleeveless hoodie! I bought it in July as part of a buy three get one free deal at Carlings and am so excited to finally wear it. I am not sure though what I am going to wear under but it will work itself out!

Other than that I have been bugging Mr. H to make me something baked so we will see if I wore him down.

Hope your weekend is full of laughter and sleep!!